The KMD proposal submitted by the partnership of Horizon Research, Inc. (HRI) and the Education Development Center (EDC) is a five-year project, which collects, evaluates, codifies and disseminates MSP-relevant knowledge to current and future MSP awardees and others. The work contributes to the MSP Learning Network collaborating with Research Evaluation and Technical Assistance projects and other MSPs, capitalizing upon their efforts and locating additional existing research relevant to MSP work.
The project makes use of teams of consultants with expertise in (1) teacher education including recruitment, preservice, and inservice professional development; (2) mathematics and science curriculum both K-12 and higher education; (3) equity and diversity; (4) institutionalization of large-scale reform; (5) research methodology; and (6) knowledge management.
Project Contributions
Deepening Teachers' Mathematics and Science Content Knowledge: Lessons from NSF Math and Science Partnerships
"Designers of professional development for mathematics and science teachers are faced with many decisions related to the content they choose to address, the selection of strategies to reach professional development…
"Designers of professional development for mathematics and science teachers are faced with many decisions related to the content they choose to address, the selection of strategies to reach professional development…
Learning Together: A User-Friendly Tool to Support Research on STEM Education Interventions
"Federally funded K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education projects are generally expected not only to use what is already known in designing and implementing interventions but also to…
"Federally funded K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education projects are generally expected not only to use what is already known in designing and implementing interventions but also to…
Consumer's Guide to Research on STEM Education
"Periodically the field summarizes what is known in particular areas, in some cases supplementing the findings from empirical research with the insights of experts in the area. Typically involving people…
"Periodically the field summarizes what is known in particular areas, in some cases supplementing the findings from empirical research with the insights of experts in the area. Typically involving people…
MSP-KMD Knowledge Reviews
The MSP Knowledge Management and Dissemination project is pleased to announce a series of reviews from research and practice in the areas of deepening teacher content knowledge, teacher leadership, and...
The MSP Knowledge Management and Dissemination project is pleased to announce a series of reviews from research and practice in the areas of deepening teacher content knowledge, teacher leadership, and...
STEM Professional Learning Communities
Professional learning communities (PLCs) have become a popular mechanism for improving teaching and learning in the K-12 STEM topics. What factors should be considered in determining whether or not to…
Professional learning communities (PLCs) have become a popular mechanism for improving teaching and learning in the K-12 STEM topics. What factors should be considered in determining whether or not to…
Designing PLCs for Enhancing Student Success: What Do We Know and How Can We Learn More?
The MSP KMD project is charged with situating what the MSPs are learning in the broader knowledge base. One area of inquiry we are pursuing involves professional learning communities, an…
The MSP KMD project is charged with situating what the MSPs are learning in the broader knowledge base. One area of inquiry we are pursuing involves professional learning communities, an…
Designing for Sustainability: Lessons Learned about Deepening Teacher Content Knowledge from Four Cases in NSF's Math and Science Partnership Program
Designers of professional development programs aimed at deepening teacher content knowledge strive for sustainability in the face of a variety of challenges and limited resources. The MSP-Knowledge Management and Dissemination…
Designers of professional development programs aimed at deepening teacher content knowledge strive for sustainability in the face of a variety of challenges and limited resources. The MSP-Knowledge Management and Dissemination…
Toward Sustainability: Cases and cross-case analysis of the strategies of MSP project leaders to sustain their teacher leader programs
While many designers of teacher leader programs aim for sustainability, a variety of challenges and limited resources often undermine their efforts. The MSP-Knowledge Management and Dissemination (MSP-KMD) project presents a…
While many designers of teacher leader programs aim for sustainability, a variety of challenges and limited resources often undermine their efforts. The MSP-Knowledge Management and Dissemination (MSP-KMD) project presents a…
Conference Summary: Designing High Quality Professional Development For Teachers of Mathematics and Science
MSP KMD hosted professional developers from around the country at a two-day conference which included presentations by several MSPs…
MSP KMD hosted professional developers from around the country at a two-day conference which included presentations by several MSPs…
MSP-KMD Knowledge Reviews
The MSP Knowledge Management and Dissemination project is pleased to announce a series of reviews from research and practice in the areas of deepening teacher content knowledge, teacher leadership, and...
The MSP Knowledge Management and Dissemination project is pleased to announce a series of reviews from research and practice in the areas of deepening teacher content knowledge, teacher leadership, and...
Deepening Teacher Content Knowledge for Teaching: A Review of the Evidence
"The Math and Science Partnership Knowledge Management and Dissemination (MSP KMD) project was funded as an MSP Research Evaluation and Technical Assistance effort to support knowledge management...
"The Math and Science Partnership Knowledge Management and Dissemination (MSP KMD) project was funded as an MSP Research Evaluation and Technical Assistance effort to support knowledge management...
Handbook for Enhancing Strategic Leadership in the Math and Science Partnerships
Posted by: Iris Weiss . "With support from the National Science Foundation, Horizon Research, Inc. and the Education Development Center developed a "Handbook" on strategic leadership in the Math and Science Partnerships. The...
Posted by: Iris Weiss . "With support from the National Science Foundation, Horizon Research, Inc. and the Education Development Center developed a "Handbook" on strategic leadership in the Math and Science Partnerships. The...